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Phone: (03) 9773 9933
"Grounded Solutions"
Contact Us

Staticworx Australasia is a division of iRubber Pty Ltd

Phone: +61 3 9773 9933

P. O. Box 384
Victoria 3196

Free phone :1800 142 142

If you require more information or would like us to contact you, please fill in the contact form below.

Also a FREE sample of Staticworx rubber flooring and brochure available to be sent to you within a few days.

Staticworx Eclipse ESD rubber flooring at AncaMotion.

There is a lot of information on this website. To learn more about the importance of using anti-static flooring go to our home page or products page or view the videos.

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Contact:  Murray Gardner  ~Email: murray@irubber.com.au~  Phone +61 3 9773 9933  ~  Fax: +61 3 8678 3156 

~  Mobile: 0423 621 692
© Copyright 2013. StaticWorx Australasia is a division of iRubber P/L ABN: 47435503966.
PO Box 384, Chelsea, Victoria 3196 Australia.